Would you believe it if you saw a hoiho surfing on a surfboard? Well you might go get your glasses prescription checked because I wouldn’t believe it either. That’s what I wanted to create with this painting. I wanted it to feel real but you knew it wasn’t.
Based on the sketch below I wanted to make it even more convincing in an oil painting. So I changed the angle so that the penguin came surfing towards the viewer. I studied surfers body positions and based the stance on what a surfer would do.
Below I show you how I built up the layers to make the complete painting.
The sketch that inspired the painting by.
First colour layer of the painting complete. Simple shapes and flat colour act as a great foundation for the painting.
In the second layer I build in more texture to the fur of the penguin and the shimmers of the wave.
I had a lot on the go in the studio at once. Four pieces the same size. Working towards an exhibition deadline.
The final layer saw brighter highlights and darker low lights added to make the details pop.
“Secret Life of Hoiho” Oil on Canvas, 1000 x 700mm, 2021.