This commission was an absolute delight to paint. I went out and visited the farm to photograph the farmer’s favourite view of the at sunset. There was lush green grass and snow still on the mountains which was exactly what the farmer wanted to capture. He also wanted his sheep to be in the painting. I was a stranger to the sheep, so they naturally were cautious of me, and they decided to stand far away from me in the back of the paddock keeping a watchful eye on me. So we used a photo of the sheep that the farmer had taken and then I added these into the painting to create the final composition. I had to change the lighting so that they looked like they were meant to be in the scene and not ‘photoshopped’ in.
First layer maps out the lay of the land.
First full colour layer blocks in the main shapes.
Details into the mountains and trees forming.
Foreground and background really singing now. Just the sheep to bring to life.
A few brushes on the go while working on the sheep.
Finished painting. Super happy with it.
Watch me work on this beautiful commission. You will see areas come to life as I build the layers.