It is hard to believe it has been 8 years since I started painting the Yosemite painting. It took me over a year to complete and it travelled from America to New Zealand with me.
Here are some photos of the process and a younger looking me!
The very begining.
I had to use two easels to hold up this rather large blank canvas. It was winter time in the States and the sun would go down about 5pm so I was often working under lights.
So intent on get the right view point I would kneel for hours.
Early stages.
The last progress photo in the States before transporting the painting to New Zealand.
Progress in New Zealand.
Now working in the New Zealand Winter under lights.
The final push to the end.
I remember small sections would take me hours.
The final piece. Yosemite. 2011, Acrylic on canvas, 1016mm x 609mm (40 in x 24 in)
The artwork now resides back in the States in California. It took over 125 hours to paint and was one of my most ambitious pieces of that time. The detail of this landscape was a challenge I relished. See some of the detail up close in the photos below.